Statement of Commitment
Enrollment in FLAIR requires an understanding that the success of the program is dependent upon long term participation in the program. Enrolling your student implies a commitment to the program. Students are not able to enroll in the program in later years due to the nature of language acquisition. When students do not commit to the program and the numbers are low in the upper years, the continuation of the pathway and immersion is jeopardized.
Parental Involvement
Parents can help their student best with a positive attitude towards the program and language. Communication with the teacher about issues the student may be having is important. All communication between teacher and parent is in English. It is not necessary for the parents to learn the immersion language with the student or in order to help the student with class work. The Lincoln Parish and Louisiana Tier 1 curriculum is taught with the immersion language as the language of delivery.
Exiting Immersion
Under some rare circumstances a student may need to be removed from the program during the school year. A committee consisting of the parent, teacher, principal, academic coordinator and world language supervisor will meet to evaluate the situation and possible options and determine a recommendation. In order for a student to exit, proper documentation, and an exit meeting with the recommendation of the district in writing must take place. If the student is not zoned for the immersion school, the student will finish the school year in his or her assigned school zone district.