Mission Statement
Lincoln Parish School's Transportation Department is dedicated to providing safe and reliable transportation for students in the Lincoln Parish School District. We work to ensure our transportation department staff are trained properly and all of our equipment is well maintained.
Transportation Rules
(A printable version of these rules can be found here)
1. Cooperate with the driver: your safety depends on it.
2. Be on time: the bus will not wait. Allow for a 10-minute window: 5 minutes before and/or
5 minutes after the appointed bus stop time.
3. Cross the road cautiously under the direction of the driver when boarding and leaving the bus.
4. Follow the driver’s instructions when loading, unloading, and crossing the street.
5. Remain quiet enough not to distract the driver.
6. Have written permission and be authorized by the principal to get on or off at a stop other than the designated stop.
7. Remain seated at all times when the bus is in motion.
8. Keep arms, head, and other objects inside the bus at all times.
9. Refrain from throwing objects in the bus or out of the windows or doors.
10. Refrain from eating or drinking on the bus.
11. Avoid the use or possession of tobacco, matches, cigarette lighters, obscene materials, weapons, drugs, or other prohibited items on the bus.
12. Take no glass objects or other objects on the bus, if prohibited by state, federal, or other local school board policies.
13. Take no band instruments, projects and other projects too large or too hazardous to be held by the passenger or stowed safely under the seat.
14. Refrain from damaging the bus in any way. (Student will have to pay for damages)
15. Show proper respect toward the bus driver, occupants of other vehicles, pedestrians encountered on the bus route, as well as other students on the bus
16. Understand that the bus is an extension of the school, and many of the school rules apply to the bus as well.
17. Students will be allowed to bring a cell phone on buses but they must be turned off and not used. Also, cell phones must be stored in the student's
backpack, purse, or pocket.
18. Airpods, smartwatches, and similar devices will not be allowed on any school bus.
19. Protect your personal riding privilege, and enjoy the ride Riding the school bus is a privilege.
Students who do not cooperate are subject to disciplinary action including suspension from the bus, school, or removal from the bus for the remainder of the school year.
Transportation Staff
Patricia Vanosdell patricia.vanosdell@lincolnshools.org
Shaketha McNeal shaketha.mcneal@lincolnschools.org
Shop Supervisor
Melvin McNeil mmcneil@lincolnschools.org
Jeffrey Woodard jeffrey.woodard.lincolnschools.org
Transportation Supervisor
David "Doc" Hoefler dhoefler@lincolnschools.org
Contact Information
Address: 2948 Woodward Ave Ruston, LA, 71270
Office Number: 318-255-6079
Fax: 318-255-6084